Here you will find the answers to often asked questions
What is an Advertising platform?

The advertising platform is a tool for managing and controlling advertising campaigns for direct advertisers, media buyers, affiliates, and agencies.

Advertising Platform has sophisticated targeting and optimization algorithms that help advertisers and agencies get the most value from clicks and impressions.

How can I become an advertiser?

Register your account at dsp.clicknetic.media, then add funds using any supported payment methods.

Welcome to our platform! You are ready to set up your campaigns and start advertising.

What payment models do you support?
We work only under CPC and CPM models. It means that we will charge you for every thousand impressions or one click.
What are the payment terms?

Our advertising platform works on a prepayment basis.

What budget should I have to launch a campaign?

The minimum prepayment is 100 USD.

Payment methods: WebMoney, PayPal, Bitcoin, Credit Cards, and Wire transfer.

Please make sure you meet our Privacy Policy, Creative Policy, and our Terms of Service.

How do I start my campaigns?

You need to register your account at clicknetic.media.com, then add funds using any supported payment methods.

What type of ad formats does your platform support?

Our self-service fully-featured omnichannel Advertising platform supports all known formats like banner, video, push, in-page push, calendar, pops, native over the web, and in-app.

How long does moderation take?

We promise to complete the moderation of ad campaigns within 15-20 minutes during business hours.

How can I contact my manager?

Your account manager will contact you via the messenger or email you provided.

Which GEOs can I target?

We allow targeting any Geo you’d like to run your ad campaigns in.

Why was one of my creative rejected?

Ad campaigns are rejected when one of the rules is violated. For more details of our rules, check our Creative Policy.

What types of conversion tracking does your Advertising platform support?

We support Postback URL and Conversion Pixel.

What verticals do you work with?

We work with gambling, dating, e-commerce, crypto, nutra, betting, campaigns.

Which Macros do you support?

Campaign ID = {lid}
Sub Id = {sub_id}
Сlick ID = {session_id}
Placement – ID = {pid}
Height of a slot = {h}
Width of a slot = {w}
Creative ID = {crid}
Ad ID = {adid}
Price = {clickprice}

Do you support API integration?

For API documentation, contact your account manager.